Knowing Him
This course serves as an invitation to cultivate a profound and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. From the very beginning, it was Christ's eternal desire and original design to bring us into a personal and transformative communion with Him. This course emphasizes a continual, abiding union with the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—encouraging believers to experience His presence in every aspect of life, whether in work, ministry, or within the family. Drawing inspiration from biblical figures like Enoch, who walked with God and became no more, participants are called to enter the "bridal realm" of loving devotion, where we can be enraptured in the eternal. This journey is not just about understanding what we have been saved from but embracing what we have been saved unto—a deep, covenantal communion with Jesus Christ, experiencing the fullness of divine life and intimate fellowship with Him.
You will receive a text/email explaining how to submit payment and complete registration. We offer two options for cost. If you choose to pay in full, then you receive a discounted price of $250. If you choose the second options of recurring payments, the cost is $300 at $30 per week. The payment must be paid no later than the Friday prior to class each week. The student will also agree to pay in full, even if they stop attending class. Students on recurring payment also understand that they must be current with payment for current and past weeks to attend class each week.
Harbingers of Fire
“Harbingers of Fire” is a powerful course for those sensing the urgency of this final era before the Lord’s return. Designed for hungry believers who groan for the power and love of God to be released around the globe. This course equips you as a laser accurate prophetic messenger, carrying the Holy Spirit’s fire into a world in need of reformation and revival.
You’ll master a new level of strategic intercession—the heartbeat of revival—and cultivate a life of relentless prayer, purity, compassion, and consecration. The course also trains you to discern the times, navigate global cultures, and boldly proclaim the gospel across diverse landscapes.
This is more than a class; it’s a commissioning. Be challenged, refined, and empowered to ignite the nations with God’s glory. Are you ready to answer the call?